What’s the best bed?
I wish I could give you an answer here _________! Sorry, it just doesn’t work that way. It is a very common question: “What’s your best bed?” At the risk of being flippant, my answer is somewhere between any and all of or mattresses. Every mattress we offer is “perfect!” (You did notice those quotes around ‘perfect’ right?) But it’s true that every mattress we offer IS perfect…for something! Some may be a perfect guest bed that gets slept on twice a year, some are perfect for your toddler’s first bed, and some are perfect for your every night deep sleep. What’s perfect for your neighbor may not work at all for you. It really takes some “down time” on the beds to tell. I know it’s hard to tell sometimes. BUT we really feel that your instincts or first impressions are really good. That said, here are some guidelines when looking for a mattress:
Look at what you have. Look at comfort, dimensions and lifespan.
- How firm was your mattress? Springs, air or foam (or even water!). Did it work? What did you like or dislike about it? Have your preferences changed? If you are in a different bed, do you sleep better or worse?
- How big is your bed, and not just the size, but how thick is the mattress and box springs? Mattresses have gotten thicker and thicker over the years, so we don’t want you to need a pole vault to get into bed. Thankfully, we can have most any set with a thinner box springs or foundation. We’ll make it fit you. Now’s a great time to consider a different size mattress. Face it, we all change! (So sad!) That full or queen size that was fine years ago might need an upgrade to keep your sleep peaceful!
- Lifespan is not a reference to your own, but how long your mattress set lasts. Did it give you good sleep all of its life? A little more invested now may make this next mattress a better value in years to come. Hey, you’re only going to do this every 8 to maybe 10 years, so let’s do it right! Don’t settle, it doesn’t pay.
Take your time.
You’re going to have this in your bedroom for years to come, so you don’t need to make a snap decision. We don’t use pressure sales tactics: no commission salesman, no “Gotta Buy It Now” sales gimmicks, nothing like that. We would much rather you be happy with something you found somewhere else than unhappy with something from us.
If it’s your style then do your homework.
There is a WHOLE bunch of information out there (too much sometimes). Always consider your sources. We’re happy to try to plow through it with you. Some of it can make sense. Please remember a couple of things: when someone is complaining about a product or company, anger can make any of us say some things that may not be the whole truth. Also, the internet never forgets: reviews of a mattress that is over 3 or 4 years old may not be relevant, as mattresses designs change faster than that.
Not all 10 year warranties are the same. Look at the fine print.
Ask for the details. Some “10 year” warranties are worthless after the first year and some are just as strong at 9 years 364 days as there were on day one. For example, most manufacturers will say any dip or “body impression” over 1.5” is a warranty problem. Most use that today. There are some that will only allow 1” or even ½”. Even though they are all 10 year warranties, obviously some are better than others. Look closely and ask often.
It’s okay to ask your friends what they like, but since you’re not them what you really want to know is how they were treated.
Ask them questions about their bed-buying experiences, and then go shop where you feel comfortable asking the “dumb” questions. Just for the record, there are no dumb questions!
Important note: very few mattresses can be returned.
Tempurpedic and Sealy’s Hybrid mattresses do offer a 90 night “trial.” The manufacturer will take these mattresses back and give you a store credit. There are some retail stores that will allow you to return a mattress, BUT you have to ask yourself: what are they doing with the old one? There aren’t many choices. If they can afford to throw it away, then how inflated are their prices to cover the cost of returned mattresses? Someone is paying the extra money so they can do that. Or, are they restocking and reselling the returned mattress? IF they sterilize and mark them as such then it’s legal, BUT what if they don’t? Where has that mattress been? For these reasons we can’t take mattresses back. Sorry. We’ll do everything possible to help you get great night’s sleep on the perfect mattress. That takes time and energy. It’s what we’re here for and it’s what we do.